I am 33 years old and have been in the working world for 12 years now - working for the man. Its true when you come out of college you feel empowered, you have energy to get moving on with life, but in reality the first few years after college are more like an extension of college. Your friends don't change, you end up living in a crappy apartment, you still party, you may or may not have a 'career' job, you still chase girls (although you may have a girlfriend), the only thing that may change is that your financial lifeline (your parents if you were lucky) gets pinched. Don't get me wrong you know that if you are desperate you can ask your parents for some coin - but if you have any morals you just would not ask, havent they done enough!
Once you find that 'career' job you find yourself working your tail off - if your lucky you actually like what your doing. Once you hit 27 things really start to change. Some of your guy friends get married (girls drop sooner - but lets not focus on them as friends for the time being), your body starts to change a bit, all the beer and taco bell that you ate has finally gotten to you and no matter how far you jog or how much you work out - that extra layer is there to stay (all you genetic freaks can skip that last part). Your social scene is now starting to evolve. Your mental outlook on life starts to take form - things are not as they once seemed.
Now I am 33 years old. I have twelve years of solid work experience with very respectable companies. I have worked at large consulting firms (Big 6, then Big 5, then Big 4: you will get that if you are old enough and have any clue of what I am talking about), financial services firms, worked all over the country, and I even took the risk of moving to cali and working for a .Com firm back in 2000. I own a pretty nice Condo, own my car outright (given I want a new one) and have been dating some pretty hot girls. Most of my friends are now bald, fat, married/divorced, living in the suburbs. Most are happy with life, but few of them are happy with where they are in life - When your fresh out of college the vision of 33 did not include the following: 1)time going bye so fast 2) the rapid change in your social scene (match.com and I can wait in line at a bar were never spoken) 3) $100 cable bill 4) underpaid/overworked 5) interacting at a bar with people who graduated high school in 2000 and 6) a career working for the man!
Working for the man....What is that. You know what it is - you work for someone that had the balls to do their own thing. Their own vision, their own ideas, their own energy...they had balls. Good for them...Needless to say I can put my experience up against anyone my age and feel confident that I have wasted more time working for someone else than anyone I know!
what's next - how do you take that leap to staring my own business. I am 33 years old and want to take that leap....I want to be the man....